Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another blow to the presumed superiority of Old Europe - World Times Online

A wine-tasting event 30 years ago which found California wines better than French wines was repeated with similar results.

THIRTY years had passed since the Judgment of Paris, when French oenophiles received a red nose at the hands of American upstarts in a blind wine-tasting competition.
But to the dismay of the French wine experts taking part in last night’s eagerly awaited rematch, Californian vintages have again trumped their Gallic counterparts.

Economic strength, military power, university quality, cultural influence, and now (once again) wine; just what does Old Europe clearly do better than the United States anymore?

HT: Captains Quarters

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Now I'll have to find something else to blame for my glacial running speed

Lactic Acid Is Not Muscles' Foe, It's Fuel - New York Times

At the end of the article is a passage that should delight those who celebrate irony,

Yet, Dr. Brooks said, even though coaches often believed in the myth of the
lactic acid threshold, they ended up training athletes in the best way
to increase their mitochondria. "Coaches have understood
things the scientists didn't,"
he said.

So don't hate the lactic acid pooling in your muscles, embrace it for the fuel that it is.

Russian crooks try to steal a vacuum tube plant

From Russia, With Dread - New York Times

This article is worth reading just for the photo of Mike Matthews, owner of the ExpoPul plant which manufactures vintage vacuum tubes used in amplifiers loved by musicians. Apparently a Russian businessman is using pseudo-legal means in an attempt to steal his business.

By the way, tell me why Mike Mathews and Christopher Lloyd are never seen together.

Friday, May 12, 2006

It's Not Your Father's VA

Naval Institute Proceedings: It's Not Your Father's VA, Art Pine

And its definitely not Oliver Stone's VA either.

Freakanomics keeps on giving

A Star Is Made - New York Times

Wal-Mart and organic food

Wal-Mart Eyes Organic Foods - New York Times

Another sign that Wal-Mart is reaching market saturation in America under their current business model. Adding a much larger selection of organic foods to their grocery shelves tells me that they are either trying to expand their customer base or that a slight shift upscale is coming.

Update, 1-3-07
Rereading this while searching for a label to apply, I have another possibility why they are upping the organic food content. Wal-Mart is a family business deep down, and maybe its just the influence of some of Sam Walton's grandchildren. They are also pushing compact fluorescent light bulbs lately. I admit it, I'm cheap about some things. Almost every bulb in my house is a CF-bulb. They save me money because they use less electricity and also last longer. Less electricity means less coal or natural gas burned somewhere. Less pollution generated. Happy environmentalists. Backdoor environmentalism I guess but I do it because I'm cheap.

Call the Vatican, its a miracle!

My Way News
I'm dying to hear her explanation in court!