Wednesday, December 07, 2005

If you don't take care of it, we will

Now the IAEA says what Israel has been saying is true. Iran is just "months" away from having shiny, new, atomic bombs of its own. Makes you kinda wonder about that whole "Wipe them off the face of the map" stuff, doesn't it? I can't help but notice that Iran just inked a deal with Russia to buy some sophisticated air-defense missile systems, too. It looks like we might soon get a chance to see how good American military hardware stacks up against Russian stuff.
The whole process of sternly worded statements by UN and EU types doesn't seem to have made much of an impression on our Iranian friends. Since stern words and toothless resolutions have proved so ineffective in the past, especially when issued by the UN, look for Israel to take care of this themselves. What a holy shitstorm that will be, but if I live in Israel I wouldn't be feeling very good about Iranian nuclear missiles and car bombs.
Apparently ElBaradei was misquoted in the article I refer to above, a more complete quote below:
"Although IAEA officials have said it would take at least two years for Natanz to become fully operational, Mr. ElBaradei believes that once the facility is up and running, the Iranians could be “a few months” away from a nuclear

Natanz is a hardened secret nuclear facility in Iran. Reportedly it is protected by several meters of reinforced concrete and covered with another 20 or so meters of dirt, presumably to protect against bombing attacks. There it is believed is where weapon-grade uranium and plutonium will/is being produced. I feel so much better.

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