Palin Ties Miss California to Obama & Clinton - The Note
The elephant in the room that nobody speaks of. Plenty of Americans don't support gay marriage, and if you are a politician of the democrat persuasion; don't worry about losing votes. After all, who will those gay men and women vote for if not you? Certainly not the republicans. They're evil, you know? So if you're a democrat talk a good game during primaries knowing that no real changes will have to be made which might cost votes later. Like Charlie Brown knows that Lucy will just jerk the football away at the last second but hoping that she won't. Even Andrew Sullivan is starting to see the light.
With Clinton, we were the means to raise money. With Bush, we were the means toAgain, at the risk of being an asshole, I told you so. Well, not Andrew Sullivan, but anyone who would listen. By the way, who is exploiting bigotry here? Democrats know gays generally don't vote republican. Knowing that the gay vote is safe the politicians know they won't have to take any unpopular action. Who would have thought that we would look back on Ronald Reagan favorably when remembering the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA) and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?" Yet Clinton signed the DOMA and as a result of his "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, the number of gay soldiers kicked out doubled. Yet Clinton tried to trumpet himself as some beacon of light to the gay.
leverage votes by exploiting bigotry. Obama seemed in the campaign to promise
something else.
A gay coworker (the most misogynistic person I know) still has a man-crush on Hillary and has never been an Obama Man. When Bush came into office at least he was honest about what he intended to do about gay rights: nothing. And nothing is what he did. As advertised. Now BH Obama is in office and all during the presidential campaign season talked a great talk about how things would change with him as president, and how they would be for the better. Conveniently those who supported him disregarded word that he was personally opposed to gay marriage the way republicans ignored GW Bush's penchant for spending (other people's) money.
So who is the worst of these three people: WJ Clinton, GW Bush, or BH Obama? At least Bush wasn't a hypocrite and as far as I can tell didn't make things worse for the gay. Clinton did make things worse for the gay, and Obama looks to do nothing in defiance of his own promises. So rail on all you like about the eeevil republicans; at least we don't make things worse for the gay.
So if measured objectively, Ronald Reagan, Herbert Bush, William Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama seem to have the same beliefs about right for the gay. The same ones shared by Sarah Palin and our new Miss USA. Just don't say that out loud.
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