Friday, May 12, 2006

Wal-Mart and organic food

Wal-Mart Eyes Organic Foods - New York Times

Another sign that Wal-Mart is reaching market saturation in America under their current business model. Adding a much larger selection of organic foods to their grocery shelves tells me that they are either trying to expand their customer base or that a slight shift upscale is coming.

Update, 1-3-07
Rereading this while searching for a label to apply, I have another possibility why they are upping the organic food content. Wal-Mart is a family business deep down, and maybe its just the influence of some of Sam Walton's grandchildren. They are also pushing compact fluorescent light bulbs lately. I admit it, I'm cheap about some things. Almost every bulb in my house is a CF-bulb. They save me money because they use less electricity and also last longer. Less electricity means less coal or natural gas burned somewhere. Less pollution generated. Happy environmentalists. Backdoor environmentalism I guess but I do it because I'm cheap.

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