Thursday, April 21, 2016

Changes to American paper money

In the article one of those interviewed stated that he thought adding the new people to the backs of the bills would lead to their becoming role models.  I call foolishness.  How many people could list who is on each of the bills: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100?  Unlikely I rate that idea.  On the other hand, I don't see any problem with the design changes. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I've gutted out my labels.  I'm going to be much more selective about adding new ones, and applying them.  As my readers are imaginary I expect that zero people should be inconvenienced. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Here's what isn't new: my computer.  My old clunker of three years wanted to gamely struggle on, but I clearly needed to go in a different direction.  So I got a mid-ranged gaming computer in the hopes of fending off obsolescence a bit longer during this laptop ownership cycle.  Asus G751JT, beautiful.  Huge, but in a BBW sort of way, not a what-I-look-like sort of way.  Only one problem.  The A key doesn't always spawn "A"s as it should.  Kind of a failure to launch sort of situation.  It has to go back and then I'll be back with my old Acer, for all the world like going back to that loony old girlfriend knowing it can't last, and that I wouldn't want it to.  It's just that I'll be lonely until Penelope comes back from the fixer.  Oh, I've named my new laptop after Odysseus' wife, Penelope...always faithful and reliable.  I suppose even she had a sick day or two.  Until then...ugh.  I'll make do.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Everything old is new again.  I still remember when everyone was on AOL.  I was a big chatter then, and the numbers said about 1.7 million other people were too.  I thought I would go back on and see where it went.  It isn't pretty, but that's no surprise.  Still, online chat is weirdly compelling.  A chat room with 25+ people who are all somewhat more polite versions of today's standard trolls can be entertaining.  Some of the people there never left AOL when the rest of us jumped ship.  20+ years.  Can you imagine? 
My impression hanging out there is that of a lifeboat that people can come and go at will, but once there...
I could try to describe AOL chat rooms all day, but they have to be tried out for oneself to truly appreciate their awful magnetism.