Tuesday, November 21, 2006

USAF TV commercial

I just heard that the USAF plans to shitcan their F-117 stealth fighters. Ah, Nighthawk, we hardly knew ya. The complaint has been a 1970's design made with 1980's technology flying in the 2000s was outclassed by new aircraft; namely the F-22 Raptor. I've seen this commercial around lately and thought it was most excellent.

During my soldier years, I kept a photo of my wife inside the top of my helmet so I perfectly understand the sentiment of the pilot's photo in his cockpit. Having a reminder close at hand of why we endure the long, lonely, hours of duty made them less tiresome. Many who have seen this video take the meaning of "guardian angel" to be the pilot in his stylin' F-117 flying overhead protecting his loved ones from harm.
I thought the wife and kids photo was his guardian angel acting as a spiritual shield. Military life can be deadly dangerous, especially for the Zipper Suit (pilots) crowd. Being reminded not only of what you swore to protect but what's at home can help prevent unnecessary risks that can keep you from becoming an expensive lawn dart.

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