Thursday, November 05, 2009

Army Reserve medics are better

Support: Older Is Better And Will Save Your Life
This is something I noticed while I was in the army, myself. The reservist medical troops were better, sometimes much better, than their active duty counterparts. Something I suppose about the reservists doing their job everyday, and not spending time taking some pretty pointless classes and other training.
The reservists also got to learn, and use, more advanced techniques and equipment and as a result have more cutting-edge knowledge.
It really is hard to compare the job experience a standard combat medic in the regular army gets to that of their paramedic counterparts in the civilian world. Regular duty guys spend a lot of time doing not much at all while a big-city paramedic working in an ER or an ambulance crew get worked like dogs. All that pays off for the sick, and injured though as superior knowledge and experience lead to superior results. That is, less dying and more living. (hat tip:

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