Saturday, August 14, 2010

Still single? What's the matter with you? -

The short answer is that if she had wanted to get married, she should have done so at least ten years ago. It is now, alas, too late. The usual lament one hears is "where are all the good men?" The answer which I'm positive she doesn't want to hear is: the good men are back in her twenties, where she left them. I shouldn't have to tell her. If she is the least bit perceptive and honest with herself she already knows this. If the thought of never marrying bothers her (and it does) then this though keeps her up at night, wondering "what if..."
That's right -- it just hasn't happened yet. Single women aren't screwed up (well at least no more than anyone else out there), we don't need to register for self-improvement seminars or undergo eight years of psychoanalysis. There's nothing more we should or could be doing and nothing we need to change. It just hasn't happened yet.

She goes on to repeat the plaintive mantra, "It just hasn't happened yet" over and over. This may be hard to hear, but since she is a scientist (PhD in psychology) the math speaks for itself. It isn't going to happen. The only realistic set of choices she has left now are whether she is going to be the cool aunt that everyone will secretly believe is gay, or whether to stockpile cat food. Who knows, though. She may find the love of her life next week. Hope springs eternal, they say. I'll buy a lottery ticket next week, too.

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