Monday, September 06, 2010

I Thought That I Had It Bad

Looking at these combat rations which are being fed to the troops of our allies, suddenly I don’t feel as horrible as I had remembered. MREs aren’t high culinary art, but look at what those poor bastards from the Ukraine and South Korea are wolfing down. Cultural relativity aside, those guys are eating mediocre dog food.
It's been twenty years now since I've eaten an MRE in anger, but they don't look much different. Different menus, better food, more variety, but still the same stuff more or less. No military spends as much time as the US forces do, even disregarding this whole war on terror. The US Army has spent lots of time and effort creating better combat rations, and I doubt that better ones are made, cultural food preferences aside. I always remember that the French were reputed to have good meals but after looking at that photo, I'm not so sure.

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