Monday, May 11, 2009

Apparently Clarence Thomas Isn't Black (enough) To Support Leah Sears

Friendship With Conservative Thomas Complicates Supreme Court Chances for Georgia's Sears -

I can't say that I always have agreed with Clarence Thomas, or that I would ever agree with
Leah Sears, but their long-time friendship should be a favorable marker for each. Its also saddening to hear "black leaders" talk about how great it will be to finally get a black person in the US Supreme Court. Because you know, Thomas isn't really black. You know, he doesn't vote the way "real" black people vote. Tyrone Brooks seems to represent that opinion well.
State Rep. Tyrone Brooks, president of the Georgia Association of Black Elected
Officials, also begged off. "I would have been a hypocrite to go up there, skin
and grin, smile and shake hands," he said. His deep disdain for Thomas trumped
pride in Sears's accomplishment. "[I] don't think we have any black people on
the Supreme Court. It's not just the pigmentation of skin. It is philosophy, and
even though Justice Thomas has our skin, he really does not vote the way African
Americans would have him vote."

He seems to think that judges should make decisions based on something other than laws. Maybe my doctor will operate on my knee based on something other than medical training too. Sounds like a great idea. Maybe policemen should also perform their job without looking to the law to guide their actions. Who needs objective standards and binding laws anyway? Because Thomas doesn't vote the way Tyrone Brooks thinks he should not only is Thomas a traitor, he loses his race. The temerity: Thomas identifies more with his citizenship than his melanin. Though unsaid since Brooks doesn't see Thomas as black I'd guess he classifies Thomas as "white." You know, the enemy. Ugh. So much for hope and change.

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